Darwinning - gra o ewolucji gatunków
Darwinning to gra o ewolucji.
W ciągu trzech epok rozwijamy swój gatunek przystosowując go do życia w zmieniających się warunkach klimatycznych, rozwijając przydatne cechy a także starając się przetrwać wśród groźnych drapieżników.
Zwierzęta o największej populacji i najlepiej przystosowane na końcu trzeciej ery zostają władcami ekosystemu.
Zasady w języku polskim można pobrać ze strony wydawcy.
Zawartość pudełka:
- 92 karty cech
- 10 kart środowiska
- 13 planszetek gatunków
- plansza łańcucha pokarmowego
- 3 karty pomocy
- 12 znaczników ugryzień
- 36 znaczników populacji
- 6 znaczników graczy
- zasady gry (w języku angielskim i niemieckim)
Opis ze strony wydawcy:
Darwinning is a competitive card game suitable for 2-6 players who wish to compete for the ultimate survival of their species. During the game, players can compete against opponents to win the right to improve their species over a period of three eras. During each era, players take advantage of a trick-taking card phase that gives rise to the adaptation of a species to growing the size of the population, becoming the most effective predator and being able to survive in the widest range of environments. Then a survival phase takes advantage of a species' adaptations to withstand all that the world may throw at it, and ultimately contributes to the successful survival of the most developed species.
Survival of the Fittest: During play, as an era comes to an end, players must check to see if their species has that certain survival instinct. Food is all-important and its position on the food chain plays a vital role in a species' ability to survive. A limited available food source and a species will find its population decreasing, unable to sustain the population. Conversely, a surplus of available food sources will ensure the swelling of a population as greater numbers can be supported.
Room for Improvement: When seeking to improve the attributes of a species during the trick-taking phases, there are four aspects of survival that must be taken into consideration. A species can improve the size of its population growth, (dictated by the availability of food sources), moving up the food chain (influencing population and relationships with other species), Environmental adaptation (increasing the species chance of survival as fewer hospitable environments become available during the game) and gaining Traits (adaptations that further aid a species survival be they defensive adaptations, mutations, food choices, use of tools, toxicity to others, communication and many others similar abilities) The ultimate species will be the most successful overall in each of these four areas of improvement so each plays a vital part on the road to survival success.
Food Chains: The food chain might suggest to those familiar with Darwin’s theories of species adaptation and survival, that the higher up the chain, the more species can be the source of food for a predator, and for the most part, this is true. However, in Darwinning a species can evolve a trait that allows it to feed upon a species higher up the food chain. Traits are extremely important as predatory adaptations and specific defenses generate complex food chain dynamics, making food chains far more complex food webs.
Dane techniczne
podstawka/dodatek | samodzielna gra |
polska instrukcja | Nie |
nowy | Tak |
wiek | od 9 lat |
czas rozgrywki | 30-60 minut |
liczba graczy | 2-6 |